The majority of electronic fencing used today is for agricultural purposes or any type of animal control. The electric shock that the fence puts out can have effects that range from a minor, uncomfortable shock to levels that are much higher. Electronic fences can be less costly than conventional fencing and less harmful to animals than a barbed wire fence. Electroniic fencing may also be used to include private property, keeping pests such as deer out of corn or maize fields, airports use them to keep animals off the runway, as well as correctional facilities. An Electric fence may not be your number choice if you have small children that will be exposed to them for the obvious reasons.
Thank you for visiting our electronic iron fence repairs website. Please contact us with any questions or comments about our electronic iron fence repairs products or services.
Pro Fence
Rice Lake , WI 54868
We would love to solve your electronic iron fence repairs needs and provide you a Service unlike any other company in Chippewa Falls, WI could.